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Frequently asked Questions
What documents do I need to have before I can accept payments?Before you can start accepting payments, we require a few documents to verify that you are a legally verified business. The required documents depend on your type of business. These can include: 1. Business License 2. Certificate of Registration 3. VAT Certificate of Registration 4. TIN Certificate of Registration Only digital documents are required. Get a clear/easily to read photo of your document and upload it through your Merchant Dashboard account.
How do can I start processing payment with Digicash?It's easy to get started with DigiCash. 1. Register free with DigiCash by following the registration process here. We will need some details about your business. 2. Verify your registration. 3. Login to the Merchant Dashboard to start your path to collecting payments online.
What is Digicash pricing?Get in touch by emailing to get the tariff suited to your business needs.
As a merchant how do I receive the money of the collected payments?Digicash automatically transfers the collected money to the collection account you set. The collection account you set can be a mobile money wallet, or a bank account. The time you will receive the money depends on the type of collection account you set. For mobile wallets: Everyday at midnight you will receive the total amount of payment collected for the day. Contact us if you want to receive your money as soon as your customer pays. For bank accounts: Every next day at 2pm you will receive the total amount of payment collected the previous day.
What's flexible pricing for merchants?Flexible pricing for merchants means that as a merchant you decide who pays the Digicash transactions fees, either your business or your end customers.
Can I view all my transactions going through Digicash?Yes! Access the Digicash merchant dashboard via your smartphone, tablet or computer and select the "Transactions" screen to see all the transactions of your merchant. You also have the ability to filter the transactions per date or per status, and extract the data in a spreadsheet report file.
Do you support card payment?Car payment support is coming soon.
Will my customers have to pay any additional fees?It will depend on the type of pricing you choose: If you choose that your business pays for the transactions fees: Your customers will only pay the charges issued by mobile networks for making a payment. The mobile network fees for your customers vary depending on the amount being paid. DigiCash does not collect any additional fees apart from the transaction fee charged to you. If you choose that your customers pay for the transactions fees: Your customers pay for the transactions fees plus the charges issued by mobile networks.
Can I use Digicash to accept payments online within my mobile app?Yes! By integrating your mobile app with Digicash API, you will be able to accept mobile money payments within your mobile app.
Where will I receive the money of the collected payments?You can decide to receive your money in a mobile money wallet, or in a bank account.
How much are the transaction fees and how does it work?Transaction fees are 3% only! Once a transaction is processed, 3% will be deduced from the amount deposited into your account. No additional fees will be charged.
In which format does the Digicash API respond?The Digicash API is a Rest API responding in the JSON format. It means that you can integrate with the Digicash API using any coding language.
Is it possible to recover my password if I have lost it?Yes! Use this link to reset your account password and access the Digicash merchant dashboard again.
Can I get my collected money in real-time after my customer pays?Digicash can provide real time settlement on a case by case. Get in touch with us via
Can I use DigiCash to start accepting payments from my website or Instagram page?Yes! Absolutely! We provide multiple solutions to help you collect mobile money payments directly from your website or social media page. Head over to the Payments and explore our solutions to fit your needs. Don't hesistate to contact us if you have further questions.
Will my customers have to pay any additional fees?Your customers will only pay the charges issued by mobile networks for making a payment. The mobile network fees for your customers vary depending on the amount being paid. DigiCash does not collect any additional fees apart from the 2% charged to you.
Do you support mobile money payments?Yes, absolutely. With DigiCash, your customers can use their mobile money wallets to make payments online or in-store. DigiCash currently supports M-Pesa, TigoPesa, AirtelMoney and Halopesa
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